Who they are

Since 1917, ENK Bank (formerly Eastern Nation Key) has been helping to build healthy, thriving communities around the world.

Categories: Business Consulting

Start date: April 21, 2020

End date: July 05, 2020

website: www.example.com


Description of Situation

The result of employees, over 115 detailers and engineers, all coming together to solve problem before they arise. the teamwork it demonstrates both internally and externally is outstanding in the creation of landmark buildings. The legacy of the financial crisis has meant

Client's Goal

The result of employees, over 115 detailers and engineers all coming together to solve problem before they arise. the teamwork it demonstrates



Looking at Things Differently

Structural steel expertise goes
well participating in the creation
of landmark instead.

Holistic Solutions

We Leverage our Experience

Structural steel expertise goes
well participating in the creation
of landmark instead.


Realize Collaborate Genius

Structural steel expertise goes
well participating in the creation
of landmark instead.


The result of employees, over 115 detailers and engineers, all coming together to solve problem before they arise. the teamwork it demonstrates both internally and externally is.

Our Safety Net


College Saving


0 %


0 m

cost saved

0 %

clients satified

0 K

new clients

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Regular, concrete and relevant exchanges to support you step by step, adapted.